Inclusive Curriculum Guided by the Ministry of Education
Adapted or Modified for each child’s personal learning objectives.

BC’s Redesigned Curriculum
Personalized Learning
Changes to BC’s curriculum has been great news for our unique learners. The redesigned curriculum focuses on literacy and numeracy foundations, essential learning, and core competencies. Literacy and numeracy skills are developed through all curriculum areas in flexible learning environments. Essential learning includes the Big Ideas and learning standards for each grade. Core competencies include thinking, communication, and social and personal competencies.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Meeting special learning needs
Each student’s IEP includes personalized goals and objectives, adaptations and/or modifications, curriculum and resources, measures for tracking achievement, and responsibilities for staff, service providers, and parents. Curriculum and resources are determined in collaboration with the family and ensure they match each child’s unique learning style. The decision to determine if your child require adaptations or modifications for learning will be based on data, assessments, and consultation with all stakeholders.

BC Benchmark Assessments
Ensuring best practices
Consistent with Ministry of Education requirements, where appropriate, Fawkes Academy will administer required educational assessments. These include the Foundation Skills Assessment (administered in grade 4 and 7 to assess basic skills in reading, writing, and numeracy), and the Grade 10 Literacy, Grade 10 Numeracy, and Grade 12 Literacy Assessments (required for all Dogwood Diploma graduates).
Individual Assessments
Guiding and Tracking your child’s unique program
Where appropriate, Fawkes Academy will use criterion-based assessments to guide your child’s program. These include the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills: Revised (ABLLS-R) and Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP). These assessments are used to ensure younger students have the foundation/readiness skills needed to prepare for higher level academic skills. The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS) is similar to the ABLLS-R but extends to the necessary skills of independence for success in home, community, and school settings. The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III) is administered annually to monitor academic progress toward individual objectives and goals.
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
Ensuring Behavioural Supports
Each family is encouraged to ensure their child’s behavioural supports are in place to support learning opportunities. Fawkes Academy families often partner with BCBA’s who use applied behaviour analysis. ABA is a scientifically validated approach to understanding behaviour and how it is affected by the environment.